Saturday, December 16, 2006

pray for me

....i dont really know if anyone reads this...i only think three people have looked at it. but...never the just asking for prayers. this is in regard to the previous post and just, me dealing with emotions. i need gods comfort and...peace...i'd really appreciate it. thanks.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


ok.....sooooooo finals are offically boo. i thought that "ehh it wont be bad cause thats all you have that day" but for a procrastinator like me, all day becomes studying at midnight (and i mean starting) which is why this isnt going to be long...cause i have bible test tomorrow with a rediculous number of memory verses...and i spelled that wrong...ridiculous? sure.

so tonight me and aaron went to mcdonalds and then went and walked around the park and looked at christmas lights. it was fun. im sad because he's not coming back next semester :( he is going to stay home and do work and school there. sad day. i love that boy, he is one of my few guy friends here. which also makes me sad cause i had lots of guy friends back home. but anyways, im sad cause aaron is leaving, so we had our little thing tonight and just hung out...lots of fun

now its time to learn about

(p.s. does anyone know how to load pictures in so that the pics wont go to the top of the entry and add an extra "enter" space between paragraphs?? weirdness)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

one week down, two more to go

so, its been a whole week since thankgiving break. and this week has gone by really fast. surprising. well, not really ive been really busy. this past week and next week are really busy weeks it seems like for me.

i wish i knew what god had instore for me sometimes. there i things that i want to happen soooo badly and they dont. or like in the case im in right now, they might happen, it will just take awhile if it does, and whether or not it does depends on other things i have no control over. i...i dont like having the feeling of wanting something so bad...with all you heart...more than pretty much anything else in the world, and not knowing whether you will be able to have it. but not being able to give up completely because you know that there is still a chance that you might be able to get it. and just praying so hard that god will help you out with this thing and praying so hard that god will bless you with this one thing you want sooo hurts. and it makes living not the happiest thing. and you just wonder, and want to know what god has planned for you and whats going to happen in your life. and you want to know if youll be happy after this period of pain.
please pray for me...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

thanksgiving yummyness

thanksgiving break was GREAT! i had a lot of fun! on friday tatiana, leah, and i headed off toward good old texas. first we had to stop in greenville (my home town) and give my mom amber's script so she could mail it back to amber. then we headed to rowlette to drop off tatiana...little did we know we wouldnt know where we were supposed to go to drop her off (where we mapped to wasnt were she was getting picked up). soooo, we ended up just stopping at a gas station and having them come to us. it was crazy. and leah drove from greenville the rest of the way that day, and leah is bad with direction, so it was interesting. then from rowlette/rockwall, we drove to godely which is where leah was being dropped off at. my friend kristen met me in godely and i left my car at leah's aunt's house and headed off with kristen to UT in austin!!! to see my best friend from home shelly!!!!!!! and it was great because shelly knew kristen was coming, but kristen amazingly was able to keep the fact that i was coming with her a surprise, so shelly was completely shocked when she saw me running up to her behind kristen. greatness. that night we just drove around and got a view of austin. that was pretty much it. then the next day we went and saw "the way of the world" which shellly was assistant stage manager for. and that was AMAZING! all the actors were so good! and they every second they were in character, and it was so good. after the play we ate and then headed out of austin, over to abiline to kristens college. now before we could go to abiline we had to go back through godely to get my car back...and man, let me tell you, that was an adventure. first of all i ended up talked on the phone with J.R. for at least an hour. which was pretty crazy and random. for one, j.r. went into the marines after high school and called me from the base in pensicola, fl. second j.r. is not the one to just have really long phone conversations, and even if he was, third of all, in high school we werent all that close as friends. i mean, sophmore year we were pretty good friends, and since then we would say hi and give eachother hugs and stuff when we saw eachother between classes...but thats about it...soooo it was pretty crazy and random. but it was a good phone conversation, so im glad it happened. then the next part of our adventure was getting lost trying to find stupid po-dunk godely!! we had to turn around so many times it was not funny anymore. we were tired and lost so we started getting crabby at eachother and talked as little as possible. but we finally made it to godely and got my car and headed on the road to abiline. abiline was a lot of fun!! i got to hang out with kristen, who is another best friend, and i got to meet her friends and (now) boyfriend and all of them were really cool and i liked them. and it was just lots of fun.

monday i headed home. yay home at last!!

i got to see a bunch of my friends over the break, i was very pleased!! i got to see my wonderful fake mexican mary alot alot, and i just love that girl!!! and i hung out with jason alot. had conversations that needed to be had...and everything went well. ate lots of GREAT food on turkey day!! saw a couple movies that week ("deck the halls" and the new james bond). and it was overall an amazing break!!

now im back at school and i cant believe we are only here for 2 1/2 more weeks before our HUGE christmas break. it just amazes me every time i think about it. we just got back, we have class for 2 weeks, then we have a week of finals, and then we are gone for a whole month!! its crazyness i tell you!!! pure crazyness!!

kristen and me throwin up the UT signs

i love these girls! this is shelly and kristen!

mary and i went to see ashlee (middle) after she got her tonsils out!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

new blogger

soooo, i have now officially switched to the new blogger beta thing or whatever it is... go me! lol
hmmm, lets this past weekend me and amber wanted to go play in the leaves and chase squirrels and rent baby ducks and play with them on the front lawn, but amber called the pet place and said they didnt have any baby poultry and wouldnt get any baby ducks in until next week. :-( sad day. ruined our saturday plans. we will have to do it after thanksgiving then i guess. cant wait, fun fun stuff. so instead saturday i slept until 3 in the was quite nice. and then did about nothing after that. well, not true. me and sara grabbed food and then us and jody went to a couple shops and just looked around, came back to drop jody off and me and sara didnt feel like going back in our rooms so we just drove around town and talked and listened to music. it was nice. i wanna go sometime during to day when places are open and you can see everything.
so far this week has been good. but only two days have gone by....hopefully the rest will be good too though. i FINALLY gave my speech today, it wasnt so bad. it takes me so long to write speeches for some reason. im no good at it. so now that that is out of the way and over with the only other thing i think i have this week is a quiz in bible...thats no biggie. so yeah, i think the rest of this week will be good. and hopefully it will go by fast because i am so ready to get off for thanksgiving break!!! im actually not going to be home until monday, but ill be with friends from back home, so all good. friday im leaving here and dropping of tatiana in rowlette, tx and then dropping off leah in godely, where im going to meet my friend kristen from back home and we are going to drive down to UT austin to see shelly who i havent seen in forever! so that will be fun. and me going down there is a complete surprise to her. she knows kristen is coming and planned that, but kristen told me later about it and we later decided for me to come too, so we are going to surprise shelly! yay!! so i will be in austin untill saturday night and then we are going to abiline to kristen's school and im staying there until monday morning. and then im finally going home. im pretty excited! i get to see my two best friends and spend time with them until monday and then i get to be home for a whole week!! w00t w00t!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

oh wow, has it been awhile

soooo....i havent updated in quite some time. my ooops.
hmm. lets see...what has gone on since the matinee musical show?? well, bisondaze and homecoming were that weekend. the musical shows went very well, both were amazing and i think everyone enjoyed it very much. Brooklyn Parker came up for bisondaze which was cool. her parents took nathan, jason, and me out to dinner which was very awesome! free real food!!!
hmmm...lets think. sticking to theater, we have been having Hush rehearsals. those have been going well. i havent really had to be there alot (well, first week i did, this week none at all). but they are going good. kaeli's directing style is somthing ill have to get used to. i dont have to get used to it much because im not in much, but just that style in general. since we are smaller parts and just because she directs this way, she gives us free will to do what we want with the characters and (in my case) figure out voices and actions and then she takes it from there. and sometimes she'll give a direction, but others she just says "do it again, but different." and its not a bad way of directing, its just different than what i am used to from coming out of high school theater. its most definatly teaching me to challenge myself more and put thought into my character on my own. all in all, practice is going well, im excited for the show, and its going to be a great learning and starting off experience.
other than that, classes are going pretty much like usual. in tech theater today we started "in the shop" work and got our first of many projects. its a sewing project and we get to make a pillow. fun stuff. its sad that our tech class time has come to an end. i think that was probably my favorite class, i am going to miss it. but being able to do stuff in the shop and actually do hands on projects will be fun as well.

to completely change subjects...
yesturday was a no good day emotionally wise. i was just in one of those depressed moods for some reason and by the end of the night i was crying and just couldnt help it. but thankfully god blessed me with Amber, who i am becoming good friends with. i decided to go to her room because i just needed someone to talk to and she just let me talk about different things that were wrong and then we just started talking about stuff (boys mostly) and just getting my mind off being in a bad mood and it was really nice. it was kinda pointless conversations, but it made me feel better, so it works. and i truely am blessed for her because shes not one to stay up late, and we talked until 2 am. and she was working on a scene for acting class and she couldve been studying that more but she stayed and talked with me and i love her for that. its odd that we talked about boys though since that was one of the things i was upset about. but hey, it worked. i think im just ready to go home for thanksgiving and be able to have a week break from school and go back where i know everybody and i will beable to see my friends and see people that i have a past with and people that ive known for more than just the past two months. that will be very good. the whole homesickness i think was just kicking in that day. and not neccissarily homesick from parents but just missing real best friends and missing acting like myself and not feeling im missing out. not that im not being myself here, just that sometimes it seems like im not fully me, or that maybe me has changed and i dont like the change. i dont know. i think im just a crazy teenager is what i really think.

until next time xoxo <3

this is me on halloween. i am chishire cat!! (in the dorm i had on purple shorts which went better)

this is me and amber on halloween lost in the parking lot

Thursday, October 26, 2006

whole day of theater fun

sooooooooooo im really tired. and the sad thing is i didnt really do alot today. i am doing spotlight for the musical, and we had chapel previews in both chapels and then a matinee show at 12 for kids from abunch of different schools. which was a very interesting show because they were doing a cut show that they had never rehearsed before. but it wasnt so bad. and i guess being in a dark room all day standing doing spot makes a person tired, cause i was really tired by the end. the show ended and we were out of there by 2:30, and i wanted to come back to the dorm and take a nap, but i had to do a chemistry asa. so i did that, diddled on the computer until dinner at 6, and then went to bible study; which was AMAZING tonight!!!! the singing was so good today, no lie, i loved it. i mean, its always good, but somthing about tonight, everyone was loud and it was just powerful. but yeah, had a great bible study, and then went to the first meeting/readthrough of the play im in. that was fun. and wow this play is weird. crazy things happen in it. but at the end your like, well i was like "aww, good story." so yeah, its good and i think we have an amazing cast and im excited. its going to be a fun and really good show!

oh yeah! i almost forgot! and it was rainy today (really glad i didnt have class) and so i got to wear my new rainboots and step in as many puddles as i wanted!!! yay!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

late nights in the theater

so, i signed up to do spot light last week for the theater, and monday and tuesday ive been doing just that. monday night we had rehearsal from 6:30 to 11:17. we werent doing show stuff that whole time, but we were there in the theater. actually yesturday we could have left an hour before we actually did because we ended up not having to do the one scene we were waiting on to do. and then today Lynn said we had to be there at 6, so amber and i got there at 6, when really, that wasnt the case and we didnt start till 7 and then we got out of there at 11:20. so so tired. but tomorrow i dont have class all day!! yay! we have chapel preview songs during both chapels, and then we have a matinee showing for little kids starting at 12, and then we are done for the day. no class, no rehearsal that night, done!! the stage still needs tech work done for it (painting mostly) so i might stay and help out with that. but im pretty excited about the all theater day!! hooray!!
also tomorrow we have the first meeting/read through of the one act play i am in (Hush: an interview with america). so thats exciting also. i cant wait to get started on that. and get back into doing theater stuff. i love it!!
hmm, and i just got a call from some girl and i am now not only keeping my friend brooklyn in my room for bisondaze, but some other girl that i dont know in here too. hopefully that works out and is cool. hope they have room. brooklyn is bringing an air mattress....sooo...i dont know. hopefully that girl brings somthing she can sleep on and we have room. we should be ok though. no biggie. im gonna feel bad because thursday night im gonna have to be in rehearsal all night, but my roommate will be here and maybe they will have stuff planned. who knows, i sure dont.
what i do know though is that i want to get to bed. so im outta here! :-)

Monday, October 23, 2006

weekend at home with my roomie

this weekend was lots of fun! i took leah home with me. friday was pretty uneventful. leah, me, my mom and my brother and his friend went out to eat at Tamolly's (mexican resturant) and it was great, i got to update my mom about stuff thats been going on with school. some of my friends were also there, so i went and talked to them for awhile and they said they were going out to brandon's after they ate. so after eating good food leah and i went to brandons and played pool and pingpong and poker and we ended up staying the night there with everyone. then saturday was a shopping day, yay!! my mom had these coupons for bath and body works, so she took us there and bought leah and i stuff so we could get the coupon deal (buy 10 dollars of stuff, get something for free). then she agreed to take us to rockwall to go shopping for rainboots. we went to oldnavy first and they were having a great sale! so we got some clothes there and then we went to target for rainboots and found some and bought them! so yay for rainboots and being able to walk from class to class in the rain without getting your shoes and bottoms of pants completely wet!! then saturday night leah and i went to the movies with some of my friends and we got a ticket for "the marines" but that was a stupid movie and so we found the theater "flags of our fathers" was playing in and some of use switched to see that movie. which was alot better. and sad! especially when you know people that are in the armed forces going over seas right now :-( good movie though. it too was about the marines...only this one gave honor and respect to them, not a cheesy dumb movie like the other one would have been.
sunday we went to church (had a bible class lesson on ch.10 in revelation...very odd chapter) and then left to come back here to school. where i had to go almost straight to fiddler rehearsal because im doing one of the spotlights. but that wasnt so bad. it was only like....hour long. maybe hour and 1/2 after we left. not bad at all. then i ate, came back and finished ch.3 part one chem homework, painted my fingernails, im writing this, and now its bed time.
so moral of the story is: yay for weekend! :-D

Thursday, October 19, 2006

today was a good day

good day it was indeed. i had a western civ test this morning and although i could have studied harder and done a little better, i dont think it was that bad. and then in tech theater we actually got to go and work on the set for the musical. that was cool. and i signed up to do spot light for the musical. which now i dont think i should have done because i have a friend coming down for one. and if i do it she wont have anyone to sit with. and for two i was planning on going home this weekend, but amber told me later that this weekend are the first two tech rehearsals :( sooooo i dont know if i will end up doing spot or not. we shall see, i am going to talk to lynn tomorrow.
more good about the day was that i got a nap between lunch and chemistry. yay for naps. and i tried to take one after chemistry but ended up not being able to fall asleep, but just layed in bed and watched tv anyway untill dinner and bible study. i love being lazy.
bible study was great. just for the fact that there was one was great, i love midweek church/bible studies. i love singing devo songs. and afterward amber, jody, andy, and i stayed around until about 9:30 and watched Lost and hung out. fun those guys.
so that was my good day. lazy and wonderful. i did a little bit of chem, not much. ill finish the paper tomorrow. and tomorrow im gonna have to study for the bible test on friday, boo on studying. but at least today was good!

Monday, October 16, 2006

rainy day blues

not only was it a monday, but it was a constantly rainy monday. maybe weather really does affect mood. i dont know. but it has been one of those days. where i have so much to do, but been in a mood that makes it hard to do it. the day wasnt necessarily bad. so at least thats good. just the mood. i got my chem test back and got a 105 on that. so that was good. but then i got a 76 on a lab...well, actually 86 because im supposed to be getting 10 points back on that. so i guess its not that bad. and i got a part in the play i tried out for sunday night. its just an ensemble part, but its a part and it was my first play to try out for. and you know what they say "there are no small parts, just small actors" and im happy to be in the play, small part and all. and my friend amber got the main part and im excited for her! shes gonna do great, and we get to be in a play together, so cool cool. so really it has been a pretty good day. besides the rain. and the mood. and all the work i still have to do that i havent done yet. and dont wanna do....but hey, its only 8:38....
ok well, i stepped away from my computer for a bit to go next door and then down the hall...and yeah. now its, time flys. but its all good. now my suitemate is going to trim my hair and then its work time :-D

Saturday, October 14, 2006

friday the 13th!! woooh

so tonight was a pretty fun night. and im glad that the weekend is now here. this week has been one of those ek weeks where you just wanna do nothing but sleep. wasnt a bad week or anything per say, just one were you dont care about doing anything except going to bed and wanna just stay there.
today was friday the 13th, and was closer to good luck than bad. nothing lucky happened, but it wasnt a bad day (w00t for that). i started my weekend early and didnt go to my chem class at 2. sorry dr.burt. but when its been a week like that and your already in a nap and your going over stuff in class that you've already learned twice before....not much incentive in coming. but anyway, so i took a nap from about 1 to almost 5. very nice indeed. i ate left over chili's. which, for being recooked was pretty good. and then chelsea invited us to go to the movies and see "barn yard" with her and a group of people. it was at the realto?...the place where its only a dollar. that place is pretty neat actually, esp someone who's interested in theater and old buildings and stuff like that. it used to be an actualy theater and they turned the balcony into the projection area and they just bought a projection screen and put it up like how we have in the benson. but it still has the main curtain up and it was just pretty neat. as for the movie...i didnt think it was going to be so good. i mean, yeah it looked like it had the potential to be a cute kid movie...but nothing great. i loved it! it was cute and funny and was just a great movie. pretty enjoyful if i do say so myself, and i would most def recommend everyone seeing it. its going to be one i buy when it comes out. well, after the movie we all went to wendys and then at wendys decided that since it was friday the 13th we should go rent a scary movie and go watch it in the cemetary. sooooo, we did it. we went back to the dorms to get blankets and sweaters and then met up at the movie gallery. we ended up renting a not so scary looking movie though because we were with some people that really didnt like scary movies, so we didnt wanna go with anything too intense. so we rented a movie called "santa's slay" (and yes i meant to spell that slay instead of sleigh). and we went out to the cemetary and set up a laptop and watched this movie. the movie was sooo dumb. this i would NOT recommend for anyone to see. really stupid. but, the fact that we were all out there was fun and we made comments and kinda talked through the movie and made fun of it. and we ended up watching the movie right behind this huge statue of jesus, so after the movie was 'over' (ended up freezing and skipping, so we didnt even get to see the end) we took pictures with jesus. they will be on my facebook as soon as chelsea gets them up. fun stuff.
and so that was my friday night. good times indeed.

Monday, October 09, 2006

its monday again

this weekend like i said was full of nothing. sunday was a no bueno day. i guess god didnt have planned for my life what i wanted. or atleast not at this moment he doesnt. but the lesson i heard in church that sunday morning is really helping with that, so im really glad i went to that service. the main point of the lesson was "when you cant trace god's hand, trust his heart" and thats what im trying to do. trust in god and know that he will provide whats best for you if you let him. so im praying for strength in that and would like prayers. but sunday night i went to sunday night singing, which is always great and giggled alot with emily. i sure love my friends. im glad ive made some great ones. :)
now to monday...oh the joys of midterm week. tuesday i have a test in wellness and chemistry. luckly though those are the only two this week. unfortunately they were just on the same day. today after class i did ch.11 webassign. then ate dinner. pretty good dinner, i had a sandwich and soup. i liked it, and pretty healthy. then i had to do a wellness lab, which was going out to the track and walking a mile as fast as i could. i did that with jody and dang that girl can walk fast. any faster and we would have been jogging. after that i came back to the dorm and finished webassign and then studied to rest of the time until now for my wellness test. there was soooo much stuff to look over. it was over chapters 1-9! crazy! and we only have two tests in the class. this midterm and the final. so i have to do well on this one. so i studied that and hopefully the test wont be too incredibly detailed because mostly what i studied was just the broad ideas about the topics. eeek, i dont know. we shall see. i didnt study for chem, but i get out of class tomorrow at 12:30-12:45, so i figure ill have plenty of time to study between then and the 6:30 test. i should be ok. me and jen are going to study together starting after lunch, good luck to us. after chem today i think i worked out the stuff i wasnt quite sure i understood, so hopefully im right in that assumption. again, we shall see.
aww, my roommate is sick too :( im sad for her. i hope she gets better really soon. today she went to the nurse and was running a slight fever and the nurse said to "drink water like it was the newest invention" (heehee), and so she's been doing that and she went to bed early tonight. so hopefully all that will help. before she went to sleep she said her throat was starting to hurt her too though. hopefully all it is is drainage and nothing anymore serious.
well, i believe thats all for todays update. peace :-P

Sunday, October 08, 2006

havent posted in awhile

hmmm lets see...whats happend since wednesday?? well, that weekend i went home for homecoming. i got to see alot of highschool friends, so that was cool. we didnt win the game, but i watched like maybe 2 plays, so i wasnt really there to see that anyway. mostly just to see friends. then saturday morning i drove to oklahoma christian to see my friend carla. i had such a good time there. my personality seemed to really fit there, too bad i didnt know that before i came to harding. naaa, i love harding, but i could see myself going there too and being really happy. hmmm....this week has gone by pretty fast. thursday i went to the epic hero concert. that was fun. there was about 30 people there maybe. so i feel bad for the band cause not alot of people showed up, but the people that were there had fun. so it was all good. i liked the band and i had fun. then friday and saturday i watched the xmen movies in the benson. hmmm...i cant really think of anything else to put really...i dont know...its also 2 in the morning yeah. that could possibly be why. but yeah. i think its probably bedtime. ill try and not fall behind of posting again :-D

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

tuesday and wednesday

tuesday and wednesday were both kinda blah days. i didnt do much. tuesday leah and i went to the midnight oil with chelsea and noelani. we got on myspace (shh. lol) and i ordered a strawberry with a shot of pineapple smoothie which was really really good. i enjoyed it mucho grande. tuesday from 2-4 i also babysat for the lecturships. that was actually pretty cool. little kids are cute, i love them. and i get paid like 10 bucks for it. thats not too bad. as for today (wednesday) i took a nap from 9-11. which was great. yes, i skipped chapel. tisk on me, but i have 10 absences and i havent used any of them yet. the nap was very nice. after my 11 class i saw andy frye and he told me and amber that the bible study at his house was cancled that night which was sad. but at lunch i talked to jordan and he told me about a bible study in the little theater for theater people (because there is a show this weekend) and so i went to that at 6. then at 6:30 (short short bible study) i went and saw my roommate and friends sing before the lecture. thats about all i did today. i did my speech homework that was due at 6. we had to make a brainstorm list of 50 things we had direct knowledge, experience, or interest in and i could only think of 30 things to put down. and some of those were pretty dumb things so there really wasnt anything else i could think of to put down. so i only got 30 out of the 50 points....which is sad but...what are ya gonna do.

thats about it. like i said, blah days.

Monday, September 25, 2006


i dont know if you'd get my response to your comment about my cholesterol if i just put a comment or whatever. so ill just put it in a blog. it was 138. and the guy said that that was good...and its below the "desirable" number. so yeah.

end of the week and weekend update

lets see...havent written since wednesday...well, thursday i had a speech test. i did think it was too hard. it was a group test, so that was pretty cool. i did not go to the asi thing with sean hannity. from what i heard about it though im kinda glad i didnt, i dont think i would have been interested.
friday i had a bible test which i dont think i did as well on. i didnt really study very hard for it and some of the questions were pretty bueno. friday night jody, jordan, kerry, and i all went out to eat at colton's. that was really good, and it was nice to get non-caf food. then jordan and i went and worked out, and then that night jody, kerry and i went to watch remember the titans in the admin aud (pretty sad it wasnt on the front lawn like it was supposed to be).
saturday was a good day. i got up and went to paint call for the musical from 11-1:30-2. that was fun, i like painting. except i was injured twice while doing so. i cut my finger on a staple while unfolding a canvas, and then when i was walking over to paint the edge of one of the backdrops i stepped on two staples that were sticking up and they stuck into my heal. that hurt. but since it was my heal, it wasnt too bad. later that day a small group of us went over to the reynolds center and danced in one of the rehearsal rooms. that was fun; we just put on some music and danced around and made up part of a dance for fun. my back is so sore now because of dancing though, blah. saturday i also got a picture in the mail from andy frye that had a pic of swings on it and a guy and the top said "lets be swingers!" its cute, andy is awesome. then that night leah, noelani, amber, and i watched "dirty dancing, havana nights" in our room. such a good movie, i really liked it.
sunday leah and i went to church at cloverdale again. we had been before, but not to the bible class, so we wanted to check out that. i liked the service but wasnt to fond of the speaker for the bible class. some guys from my hometown were visiting and i saw them at church and so we all went out for lunch at mazzios. i havent been to mazzios in forever! we used to have one in greenville, and it had so many games and it was awesome. we used to always have parties and stuff there. the mazzios here was really small, but it was good. after church i took a really long nap that i throughly enjoyed. sunday night i went to downtown singing (amazing) and when we got back, the group i went with, all went over to the track and had such a fun time!! it was great!! for a short time people ran a little bit and brittany and i walked around the track a couple times, then we just all went onto the sideline area and played around and did cartwheels and leapfrog; it was crazy fun.

so that catches this up to monday, which is today. today and wednesday i dont have bible (because of lecturships) which is cool. today during my normal bible time i went to the caf and ate breakfast. i love breakfast, but i never have time to eat it because i like sleeping more. but breakfast was very good. excited about eating it wednesday too. it is so pretty outside today. after chem class i went out on the front lawn and did some chem homework outside. i loved it. and after i write this i think im gonna go back outside and do my lap report for chem and then go grab so dinner. so far i dont have anything planned for tonight besides doing homework. leah said somthing about a band playing at the underground, so i might go see that, not sure yet. for that is all.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

wonderful wednesday

today was a pretty good day. busy and good.
i had my western civ test this morning and i think i did really well on it. of course with all that studying id be worried if i didnt think i did well on it. so thats good, im glad it wasnt as bad as i thought. ofcourse i still have to get my grade back, so we shall see.
nothing big happened during classes or anything. got out of chem early. that was cool. then went to wellness lab and that was really short. all we had to do was get our bloodpressure taken (mine wasnt as good as it probably should be..a little high) and then i decided to get my finger pricked to check my cholesterol. even though im super afraid of needles. i was freakin my self out over just a finger prick. and getting that done was volentary, but i wanted to do it, and i should probably work on this fear of needles (esp little stuff like that). so i did it. it hurt, not gonna lie. it only lasted a second or two..but still. that was the longest finger prick ive ever had.
well anyways, got that done. went and got a smoothie which was really good. first one ive had here. i liked it. then i just hung out in my room for while until it was time for dinner and then bible study at the Frye's house. i love that bible study, the fryes are awesome, and the people there are awesome. at the bible study amber and i decided to go to the paint call for the musical saturday and told andy we would go with him whatever time he signed up for and then go get lunch or something after the paint call. so that will be fun, looking forward to that. i miss doing theater sooooooo much, so it will be nice to get involved in a little part of it here.
after the bible study i went the the invitational delta gamma rho mixer which was lots of fun. the theme was dress-up. i hope i met more people than i felt like i met so i will be invited back to do invitationals. i really like that club and would love to get it. we shall see what God has instore.
im off to bed now (yay i get to sleep till 8!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

tireing tuesday

i didnt have time to post about tuesday on tuesday night, so a quick summary of what i did that day was: class, study, suplimentor instructor seccion, study, eat, and study.
i am not even lying. i studied pretty much all day tuesday for my western civ class. tuesdays are my short days as far as classes go and im out by lunch. so i did lunch, watched boy meets world (ok, not studying, but i had to get my boy meets world in), then went to the library to finish the ch.1 outline i was doing for western civ (we didnt have to do outlines, i just did it to help study and it helps me for reading text books), then i printed off my outline and then all of the lecture guides the test was going to cover. then i went to the suplimenter instructor seccion for western civ from 3-4, and then i went to the library and started working on the chapter 2 of that and finished around 6:30 for dinner (yes, took me that long...long chapters). then guess what i did...studied. i went to my room to study instead of back to library, and me and my roommate had study time all night (she had a test to study for too)and i just went over my outlines and lecture guides over and over all night and memorized all the stuff i needed to. and was up until about 2 in the morning doing it. but let me tell ya, i had that stuff down. probably not as well as crazy history majors or people that like and are really good at history, but i had it down very well. so i went to bed, prayed for remembrance on the test and fell fast asleep.

college is mentally exhasting bllllaaaahhh

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Manic Monday

today wasnt really manic...but it was a monday.
i had a quiz in bible this morning, it wasnt bad, i got 11 out of 12 questions right, so im pretty happy about that. never as good as getting all of them right, but for not studying too much for it, im happy with only 1 wrong.
chapel today was about i decided to apply the lesson to life and "rested" during chapel. i didnt really fall asleep, i was listening to what he was saying. i was just closing my eyes while doing it and not neccessarily intently paying attention to what he was saying. i dont know, for some reason i get so tired in chapel most days.
well then i had tech theater which is always a joyous class. i really enjoy it. we started talking about paint and this one girl in the class just did not understand about the different elements of paint and how they worked together and whatnot. it was pretty funny. but i can see how it could be confussing.
next comes the oh so fabulous (only not so much) lunch. i had sloppy joes which werent too bad. i dont really mind eating caf food (besides the blandness of everything, and how we have almost the same thing every day).
i went with jody and jordan after lunch to check my mail and i received an invitation to delta gamma rho's 4th mixer! yay!! i didnt receive one for pi theta phi, but thats ok because the club ive really liked is delta gamma. pi theta phi is good too, i just havent felt 'connected' as much the past few mixers. so needless to say, i wasnt too upset about not getting an invite for that club. so now i have a dress up mixer on wednesday which im looking forward to. should be fun.
chemistry class today was pretty easy. we just did notes (like usual) but the notes were over stuff that i already knew for the most part. and since you read this mr. hollandsworth, i have a question: are we ever going to get into the stuff that was before ch. 7? like nameing and balancing?? just wondering. thats fun stuff.
after chemistry i took a great nap! i slept a little longer than i wanted; woke up at about 6 instead of the planned 4:30, but its all good. i enjoyed the sleep.
after dinner i went outside and then to the library reading and studying for the western civ test i have wednesday which is going to kill me and im going to do probably horrible on. well, thats what im thinking anyway. im no bueno at history and things have hinted that this class is not going to an easy one and...yeah. blah! tomorrow is my short day of the week so i have western civ study planned pretty much from lunch until i go to going to be studying that stuff all day tomorrow. it better pay off come test time. i guess we shall see

well that was my monday, and not looking forward to tuesdays studying, but oh well...thats school for ya i guess.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Weekend lazyness

OK, so im finally getting around to writing a blog.

Today i did a whole lot of nothing! Me and my roommate woke up at around 12 and then found out that the party we had that day was moved to two instead of one, so we went back to sleep untill 1-1:30. Then we woke up, got ready, and went to a surprise party for Emily Crooks. The party was fun. Emily had no idea, and it was her first ever surprise party, so she was pretty happy. We had alot of snack food (fruit, chips, ice cream cake) and we had a pinata, and watching Emily try to hit it was hillarious, i laughed so hard. Well, we came back to campus a little after 5, and then checked our mail to see if the invitations for club mixers had been mailed out yet...they havent. Grr. Then we came back to our room and soon after i feel asleep until 10; that was really nice. I probably should have read and done work, but sleep was good. I love sleeping.

Tomorrow im going to have to actually do work and not be on that. And tomorrow is open house for our dorm...i guess its good that we dont really have guys coming over to see us, cause that would kinda hinder the whole reading thing.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

first blog

alright, so this is my first post of my bloggering adventure. i've used xanga and myspace blogs before, so hopefully this is kinda like those.

tomorrow i will put a real blog post in, but tonight i just wanted to get it set up and see how it all worked.