Saturday, October 14, 2006

friday the 13th!! woooh

so tonight was a pretty fun night. and im glad that the weekend is now here. this week has been one of those ek weeks where you just wanna do nothing but sleep. wasnt a bad week or anything per say, just one were you dont care about doing anything except going to bed and wanna just stay there.
today was friday the 13th, and was closer to good luck than bad. nothing lucky happened, but it wasnt a bad day (w00t for that). i started my weekend early and didnt go to my chem class at 2. sorry dr.burt. but when its been a week like that and your already in a nap and your going over stuff in class that you've already learned twice before....not much incentive in coming. but anyway, so i took a nap from about 1 to almost 5. very nice indeed. i ate left over chili's. which, for being recooked was pretty good. and then chelsea invited us to go to the movies and see "barn yard" with her and a group of people. it was at the realto?...the place where its only a dollar. that place is pretty neat actually, esp someone who's interested in theater and old buildings and stuff like that. it used to be an actualy theater and they turned the balcony into the projection area and they just bought a projection screen and put it up like how we have in the benson. but it still has the main curtain up and it was just pretty neat. as for the movie...i didnt think it was going to be so good. i mean, yeah it looked like it had the potential to be a cute kid movie...but nothing great. i loved it! it was cute and funny and was just a great movie. pretty enjoyful if i do say so myself, and i would most def recommend everyone seeing it. its going to be one i buy when it comes out. well, after the movie we all went to wendys and then at wendys decided that since it was friday the 13th we should go rent a scary movie and go watch it in the cemetary. sooooo, we did it. we went back to the dorms to get blankets and sweaters and then met up at the movie gallery. we ended up renting a not so scary looking movie though because we were with some people that really didnt like scary movies, so we didnt wanna go with anything too intense. so we rented a movie called "santa's slay" (and yes i meant to spell that slay instead of sleigh). and we went out to the cemetary and set up a laptop and watched this movie. the movie was sooo dumb. this i would NOT recommend for anyone to see. really stupid. but, the fact that we were all out there was fun and we made comments and kinda talked through the movie and made fun of it. and we ended up watching the movie right behind this huge statue of jesus, so after the movie was 'over' (ended up freezing and skipping, so we didnt even get to see the end) we took pictures with jesus. they will be on my facebook as soon as chelsea gets them up. fun stuff.
and so that was my friday night. good times indeed.

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