Thursday, October 19, 2006

today was a good day

good day it was indeed. i had a western civ test this morning and although i could have studied harder and done a little better, i dont think it was that bad. and then in tech theater we actually got to go and work on the set for the musical. that was cool. and i signed up to do spot light for the musical. which now i dont think i should have done because i have a friend coming down for one. and if i do it she wont have anyone to sit with. and for two i was planning on going home this weekend, but amber told me later that this weekend are the first two tech rehearsals :( sooooo i dont know if i will end up doing spot or not. we shall see, i am going to talk to lynn tomorrow.
more good about the day was that i got a nap between lunch and chemistry. yay for naps. and i tried to take one after chemistry but ended up not being able to fall asleep, but just layed in bed and watched tv anyway untill dinner and bible study. i love being lazy.
bible study was great. just for the fact that there was one was great, i love midweek church/bible studies. i love singing devo songs. and afterward amber, jody, andy, and i stayed around until about 9:30 and watched Lost and hung out. fun those guys.
so that was my good day. lazy and wonderful. i did a little bit of chem, not much. ill finish the paper tomorrow. and tomorrow im gonna have to study for the bible test on friday, boo on studying. but at least today was good!

1 comment:

Dr. Burt said...

Ha ha, you were being lazeeeee