Monday, October 09, 2006

its monday again

this weekend like i said was full of nothing. sunday was a no bueno day. i guess god didnt have planned for my life what i wanted. or atleast not at this moment he doesnt. but the lesson i heard in church that sunday morning is really helping with that, so im really glad i went to that service. the main point of the lesson was "when you cant trace god's hand, trust his heart" and thats what im trying to do. trust in god and know that he will provide whats best for you if you let him. so im praying for strength in that and would like prayers. but sunday night i went to sunday night singing, which is always great and giggled alot with emily. i sure love my friends. im glad ive made some great ones. :)
now to monday...oh the joys of midterm week. tuesday i have a test in wellness and chemistry. luckly though those are the only two this week. unfortunately they were just on the same day. today after class i did ch.11 webassign. then ate dinner. pretty good dinner, i had a sandwich and soup. i liked it, and pretty healthy. then i had to do a wellness lab, which was going out to the track and walking a mile as fast as i could. i did that with jody and dang that girl can walk fast. any faster and we would have been jogging. after that i came back to the dorm and finished webassign and then studied to rest of the time until now for my wellness test. there was soooo much stuff to look over. it was over chapters 1-9! crazy! and we only have two tests in the class. this midterm and the final. so i have to do well on this one. so i studied that and hopefully the test wont be too incredibly detailed because mostly what i studied was just the broad ideas about the topics. eeek, i dont know. we shall see. i didnt study for chem, but i get out of class tomorrow at 12:30-12:45, so i figure ill have plenty of time to study between then and the 6:30 test. i should be ok. me and jen are going to study together starting after lunch, good luck to us. after chem today i think i worked out the stuff i wasnt quite sure i understood, so hopefully im right in that assumption. again, we shall see.
aww, my roommate is sick too :( im sad for her. i hope she gets better really soon. today she went to the nurse and was running a slight fever and the nurse said to "drink water like it was the newest invention" (heehee), and so she's been doing that and she went to bed early tonight. so hopefully all that will help. before she went to sleep she said her throat was starting to hurt her too though. hopefully all it is is drainage and nothing anymore serious.
well, i believe thats all for todays update. peace :-P

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