Thursday, November 09, 2006

oh wow, has it been awhile

soooo....i havent updated in quite some time. my ooops.
hmm. lets see...what has gone on since the matinee musical show?? well, bisondaze and homecoming were that weekend. the musical shows went very well, both were amazing and i think everyone enjoyed it very much. Brooklyn Parker came up for bisondaze which was cool. her parents took nathan, jason, and me out to dinner which was very awesome! free real food!!!
hmmm...lets think. sticking to theater, we have been having Hush rehearsals. those have been going well. i havent really had to be there alot (well, first week i did, this week none at all). but they are going good. kaeli's directing style is somthing ill have to get used to. i dont have to get used to it much because im not in much, but just that style in general. since we are smaller parts and just because she directs this way, she gives us free will to do what we want with the characters and (in my case) figure out voices and actions and then she takes it from there. and sometimes she'll give a direction, but others she just says "do it again, but different." and its not a bad way of directing, its just different than what i am used to from coming out of high school theater. its most definatly teaching me to challenge myself more and put thought into my character on my own. all in all, practice is going well, im excited for the show, and its going to be a great learning and starting off experience.
other than that, classes are going pretty much like usual. in tech theater today we started "in the shop" work and got our first of many projects. its a sewing project and we get to make a pillow. fun stuff. its sad that our tech class time has come to an end. i think that was probably my favorite class, i am going to miss it. but being able to do stuff in the shop and actually do hands on projects will be fun as well.

to completely change subjects...
yesturday was a no good day emotionally wise. i was just in one of those depressed moods for some reason and by the end of the night i was crying and just couldnt help it. but thankfully god blessed me with Amber, who i am becoming good friends with. i decided to go to her room because i just needed someone to talk to and she just let me talk about different things that were wrong and then we just started talking about stuff (boys mostly) and just getting my mind off being in a bad mood and it was really nice. it was kinda pointless conversations, but it made me feel better, so it works. and i truely am blessed for her because shes not one to stay up late, and we talked until 2 am. and she was working on a scene for acting class and she couldve been studying that more but she stayed and talked with me and i love her for that. its odd that we talked about boys though since that was one of the things i was upset about. but hey, it worked. i think im just ready to go home for thanksgiving and be able to have a week break from school and go back where i know everybody and i will beable to see my friends and see people that i have a past with and people that ive known for more than just the past two months. that will be very good. the whole homesickness i think was just kicking in that day. and not neccissarily homesick from parents but just missing real best friends and missing acting like myself and not feeling im missing out. not that im not being myself here, just that sometimes it seems like im not fully me, or that maybe me has changed and i dont like the change. i dont know. i think im just a crazy teenager is what i really think.

until next time xoxo <3

this is me on halloween. i am chishire cat!! (in the dorm i had on purple shorts which went better)

this is me and amber on halloween lost in the parking lot

1 comment:

Dr. Burt said...

would it make you feel better to know you got a 125/130 on your chem test? We really need to talk about your major ...