Wednesday, November 15, 2006

new blogger

soooo, i have now officially switched to the new blogger beta thing or whatever it is... go me! lol
hmmm, lets this past weekend me and amber wanted to go play in the leaves and chase squirrels and rent baby ducks and play with them on the front lawn, but amber called the pet place and said they didnt have any baby poultry and wouldnt get any baby ducks in until next week. :-( sad day. ruined our saturday plans. we will have to do it after thanksgiving then i guess. cant wait, fun fun stuff. so instead saturday i slept until 3 in the was quite nice. and then did about nothing after that. well, not true. me and sara grabbed food and then us and jody went to a couple shops and just looked around, came back to drop jody off and me and sara didnt feel like going back in our rooms so we just drove around town and talked and listened to music. it was nice. i wanna go sometime during to day when places are open and you can see everything.
so far this week has been good. but only two days have gone by....hopefully the rest will be good too though. i FINALLY gave my speech today, it wasnt so bad. it takes me so long to write speeches for some reason. im no good at it. so now that that is out of the way and over with the only other thing i think i have this week is a quiz in bible...thats no biggie. so yeah, i think the rest of this week will be good. and hopefully it will go by fast because i am so ready to get off for thanksgiving break!!! im actually not going to be home until monday, but ill be with friends from back home, so all good. friday im leaving here and dropping of tatiana in rowlette, tx and then dropping off leah in godely, where im going to meet my friend kristen from back home and we are going to drive down to UT austin to see shelly who i havent seen in forever! so that will be fun. and me going down there is a complete surprise to her. she knows kristen is coming and planned that, but kristen told me later about it and we later decided for me to come too, so we are going to surprise shelly! yay!! so i will be in austin untill saturday night and then we are going to abiline to kristen's school and im staying there until monday morning. and then im finally going home. im pretty excited! i get to see my two best friends and spend time with them until monday and then i get to be home for a whole week!! w00t w00t!

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