Wednesday, December 13, 2006


ok.....sooooooo finals are offically boo. i thought that "ehh it wont be bad cause thats all you have that day" but for a procrastinator like me, all day becomes studying at midnight (and i mean starting) which is why this isnt going to be long...cause i have bible test tomorrow with a rediculous number of memory verses...and i spelled that wrong...ridiculous? sure.

so tonight me and aaron went to mcdonalds and then went and walked around the park and looked at christmas lights. it was fun. im sad because he's not coming back next semester :( he is going to stay home and do work and school there. sad day. i love that boy, he is one of my few guy friends here. which also makes me sad cause i had lots of guy friends back home. but anyways, im sad cause aaron is leaving, so we had our little thing tonight and just hung out...lots of fun

now its time to learn about

(p.s. does anyone know how to load pictures in so that the pics wont go to the top of the entry and add an extra "enter" space between paragraphs?? weirdness)

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