Sunday, September 17, 2006

Weekend lazyness

OK, so im finally getting around to writing a blog.

Today i did a whole lot of nothing! Me and my roommate woke up at around 12 and then found out that the party we had that day was moved to two instead of one, so we went back to sleep untill 1-1:30. Then we woke up, got ready, and went to a surprise party for Emily Crooks. The party was fun. Emily had no idea, and it was her first ever surprise party, so she was pretty happy. We had alot of snack food (fruit, chips, ice cream cake) and we had a pinata, and watching Emily try to hit it was hillarious, i laughed so hard. Well, we came back to campus a little after 5, and then checked our mail to see if the invitations for club mixers had been mailed out yet...they havent. Grr. Then we came back to our room and soon after i feel asleep until 10; that was really nice. I probably should have read and done work, but sleep was good. I love sleeping.

Tomorrow im going to have to actually do work and not be on that. And tomorrow is open house for our dorm...i guess its good that we dont really have guys coming over to see us, cause that would kinda hinder the whole reading thing.

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