Monday, September 25, 2006

end of the week and weekend update

lets see...havent written since wednesday...well, thursday i had a speech test. i did think it was too hard. it was a group test, so that was pretty cool. i did not go to the asi thing with sean hannity. from what i heard about it though im kinda glad i didnt, i dont think i would have been interested.
friday i had a bible test which i dont think i did as well on. i didnt really study very hard for it and some of the questions were pretty bueno. friday night jody, jordan, kerry, and i all went out to eat at colton's. that was really good, and it was nice to get non-caf food. then jordan and i went and worked out, and then that night jody, kerry and i went to watch remember the titans in the admin aud (pretty sad it wasnt on the front lawn like it was supposed to be).
saturday was a good day. i got up and went to paint call for the musical from 11-1:30-2. that was fun, i like painting. except i was injured twice while doing so. i cut my finger on a staple while unfolding a canvas, and then when i was walking over to paint the edge of one of the backdrops i stepped on two staples that were sticking up and they stuck into my heal. that hurt. but since it was my heal, it wasnt too bad. later that day a small group of us went over to the reynolds center and danced in one of the rehearsal rooms. that was fun; we just put on some music and danced around and made up part of a dance for fun. my back is so sore now because of dancing though, blah. saturday i also got a picture in the mail from andy frye that had a pic of swings on it and a guy and the top said "lets be swingers!" its cute, andy is awesome. then that night leah, noelani, amber, and i watched "dirty dancing, havana nights" in our room. such a good movie, i really liked it.
sunday leah and i went to church at cloverdale again. we had been before, but not to the bible class, so we wanted to check out that. i liked the service but wasnt to fond of the speaker for the bible class. some guys from my hometown were visiting and i saw them at church and so we all went out for lunch at mazzios. i havent been to mazzios in forever! we used to have one in greenville, and it had so many games and it was awesome. we used to always have parties and stuff there. the mazzios here was really small, but it was good. after church i took a really long nap that i throughly enjoyed. sunday night i went to downtown singing (amazing) and when we got back, the group i went with, all went over to the track and had such a fun time!! it was great!! for a short time people ran a little bit and brittany and i walked around the track a couple times, then we just all went onto the sideline area and played around and did cartwheels and leapfrog; it was crazy fun.

so that catches this up to monday, which is today. today and wednesday i dont have bible (because of lecturships) which is cool. today during my normal bible time i went to the caf and ate breakfast. i love breakfast, but i never have time to eat it because i like sleeping more. but breakfast was very good. excited about eating it wednesday too. it is so pretty outside today. after chem class i went out on the front lawn and did some chem homework outside. i loved it. and after i write this i think im gonna go back outside and do my lap report for chem and then go grab so dinner. so far i dont have anything planned for tonight besides doing homework. leah said somthing about a band playing at the underground, so i might go see that, not sure yet. for that is all.

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