Thursday, September 21, 2006

wonderful wednesday

today was a pretty good day. busy and good.
i had my western civ test this morning and i think i did really well on it. of course with all that studying id be worried if i didnt think i did well on it. so thats good, im glad it wasnt as bad as i thought. ofcourse i still have to get my grade back, so we shall see.
nothing big happened during classes or anything. got out of chem early. that was cool. then went to wellness lab and that was really short. all we had to do was get our bloodpressure taken (mine wasnt as good as it probably should be..a little high) and then i decided to get my finger pricked to check my cholesterol. even though im super afraid of needles. i was freakin my self out over just a finger prick. and getting that done was volentary, but i wanted to do it, and i should probably work on this fear of needles (esp little stuff like that). so i did it. it hurt, not gonna lie. it only lasted a second or two..but still. that was the longest finger prick ive ever had.
well anyways, got that done. went and got a smoothie which was really good. first one ive had here. i liked it. then i just hung out in my room for while until it was time for dinner and then bible study at the Frye's house. i love that bible study, the fryes are awesome, and the people there are awesome. at the bible study amber and i decided to go to the paint call for the musical saturday and told andy we would go with him whatever time he signed up for and then go get lunch or something after the paint call. so that will be fun, looking forward to that. i miss doing theater sooooooo much, so it will be nice to get involved in a little part of it here.
after the bible study i went the the invitational delta gamma rho mixer which was lots of fun. the theme was dress-up. i hope i met more people than i felt like i met so i will be invited back to do invitationals. i really like that club and would love to get it. we shall see what God has instore.
im off to bed now (yay i get to sleep till 8!)

1 comment:

Dr. Burt said...

how was your cholesterol?