Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Manic Monday

today wasnt really manic...but it was a monday.
i had a quiz in bible this morning, it wasnt bad, i got 11 out of 12 questions right, so im pretty happy about that. never as good as getting all of them right, but for not studying too much for it, im happy with only 1 wrong.
chapel today was about resting...so i decided to apply the lesson to life and "rested" during chapel. i didnt really fall asleep, i was listening to what he was saying. i was just closing my eyes while doing it and not neccessarily intently paying attention to what he was saying. i dont know, for some reason i get so tired in chapel most days.
well then i had tech theater which is always a joyous class. i really enjoy it. we started talking about paint and this one girl in the class just did not understand about the different elements of paint and how they worked together and whatnot. it was pretty funny. but i can see how it could be confussing.
next comes the oh so fabulous (only not so much) lunch. i had sloppy joes which werent too bad. i dont really mind eating caf food (besides the blandness of everything, and how we have almost the same thing every day).
i went with jody and jordan after lunch to check my mail and i received an invitation to delta gamma rho's 4th mixer! yay!! i didnt receive one for pi theta phi, but thats ok because the club ive really liked is delta gamma. pi theta phi is good too, i just havent felt 'connected' as much the past few mixers. so needless to say, i wasnt too upset about not getting an invite for that club. so now i have a dress up mixer on wednesday which im looking forward to. should be fun.
chemistry class today was pretty easy. we just did notes (like usual) but the notes were over stuff that i already knew for the most part. and since you read this mr. hollandsworth, i have a question: are we ever going to get into the stuff that was before ch. 7? like nameing and balancing?? just wondering. thats fun stuff.
after chemistry i took a great nap! i slept a little longer than i wanted; woke up at about 6 instead of the planned 4:30, but its all good. i enjoyed the sleep.
after dinner i went outside and then to the library reading and studying for the western civ test i have wednesday which is going to kill me and im going to do probably horrible on. well, thats what im thinking anyway. im no bueno at history and things have hinted that this class is not going to an easy one and...yeah. blah! tomorrow is my short day of the week so i have western civ study planned pretty much from lunch until i go to bed...im going to be studying that stuff all day tomorrow. it better pay off come test time. i guess we shall see

well that was my monday, and not looking forward to tuesdays studying, but oh well...thats school for ya i guess.

1 comment:

Dr. Burt said...

yeah, we'll cover pre-chapter 7 @ end of this semester.