Wednesday, September 27, 2006

tuesday and wednesday

tuesday and wednesday were both kinda blah days. i didnt do much. tuesday leah and i went to the midnight oil with chelsea and noelani. we got on myspace (shh. lol) and i ordered a strawberry with a shot of pineapple smoothie which was really really good. i enjoyed it mucho grande. tuesday from 2-4 i also babysat for the lecturships. that was actually pretty cool. little kids are cute, i love them. and i get paid like 10 bucks for it. thats not too bad. as for today (wednesday) i took a nap from 9-11. which was great. yes, i skipped chapel. tisk on me, but i have 10 absences and i havent used any of them yet. the nap was very nice. after my 11 class i saw andy frye and he told me and amber that the bible study at his house was cancled that night which was sad. but at lunch i talked to jordan and he told me about a bible study in the little theater for theater people (because there is a show this weekend) and so i went to that at 6. then at 6:30 (short short bible study) i went and saw my roommate and friends sing before the lecture. thats about all i did today. i did my speech homework that was due at 6. we had to make a brainstorm list of 50 things we had direct knowledge, experience, or interest in and i could only think of 30 things to put down. and some of those were pretty dumb things so there really wasnt anything else i could think of to put down. so i only got 30 out of the 50 points....which is sad but...what are ya gonna do.

thats about it. like i said, blah days.

Monday, September 25, 2006


i dont know if you'd get my response to your comment about my cholesterol if i just put a comment or whatever. so ill just put it in a blog. it was 138. and the guy said that that was good...and its below the "desirable" number. so yeah.

end of the week and weekend update

lets see...havent written since wednesday...well, thursday i had a speech test. i did think it was too hard. it was a group test, so that was pretty cool. i did not go to the asi thing with sean hannity. from what i heard about it though im kinda glad i didnt, i dont think i would have been interested.
friday i had a bible test which i dont think i did as well on. i didnt really study very hard for it and some of the questions were pretty bueno. friday night jody, jordan, kerry, and i all went out to eat at colton's. that was really good, and it was nice to get non-caf food. then jordan and i went and worked out, and then that night jody, kerry and i went to watch remember the titans in the admin aud (pretty sad it wasnt on the front lawn like it was supposed to be).
saturday was a good day. i got up and went to paint call for the musical from 11-1:30-2. that was fun, i like painting. except i was injured twice while doing so. i cut my finger on a staple while unfolding a canvas, and then when i was walking over to paint the edge of one of the backdrops i stepped on two staples that were sticking up and they stuck into my heal. that hurt. but since it was my heal, it wasnt too bad. later that day a small group of us went over to the reynolds center and danced in one of the rehearsal rooms. that was fun; we just put on some music and danced around and made up part of a dance for fun. my back is so sore now because of dancing though, blah. saturday i also got a picture in the mail from andy frye that had a pic of swings on it and a guy and the top said "lets be swingers!" its cute, andy is awesome. then that night leah, noelani, amber, and i watched "dirty dancing, havana nights" in our room. such a good movie, i really liked it.
sunday leah and i went to church at cloverdale again. we had been before, but not to the bible class, so we wanted to check out that. i liked the service but wasnt to fond of the speaker for the bible class. some guys from my hometown were visiting and i saw them at church and so we all went out for lunch at mazzios. i havent been to mazzios in forever! we used to have one in greenville, and it had so many games and it was awesome. we used to always have parties and stuff there. the mazzios here was really small, but it was good. after church i took a really long nap that i throughly enjoyed. sunday night i went to downtown singing (amazing) and when we got back, the group i went with, all went over to the track and had such a fun time!! it was great!! for a short time people ran a little bit and brittany and i walked around the track a couple times, then we just all went onto the sideline area and played around and did cartwheels and leapfrog; it was crazy fun.

so that catches this up to monday, which is today. today and wednesday i dont have bible (because of lecturships) which is cool. today during my normal bible time i went to the caf and ate breakfast. i love breakfast, but i never have time to eat it because i like sleeping more. but breakfast was very good. excited about eating it wednesday too. it is so pretty outside today. after chem class i went out on the front lawn and did some chem homework outside. i loved it. and after i write this i think im gonna go back outside and do my lap report for chem and then go grab so dinner. so far i dont have anything planned for tonight besides doing homework. leah said somthing about a band playing at the underground, so i might go see that, not sure yet. for that is all.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

wonderful wednesday

today was a pretty good day. busy and good.
i had my western civ test this morning and i think i did really well on it. of course with all that studying id be worried if i didnt think i did well on it. so thats good, im glad it wasnt as bad as i thought. ofcourse i still have to get my grade back, so we shall see.
nothing big happened during classes or anything. got out of chem early. that was cool. then went to wellness lab and that was really short. all we had to do was get our bloodpressure taken (mine wasnt as good as it probably should be..a little high) and then i decided to get my finger pricked to check my cholesterol. even though im super afraid of needles. i was freakin my self out over just a finger prick. and getting that done was volentary, but i wanted to do it, and i should probably work on this fear of needles (esp little stuff like that). so i did it. it hurt, not gonna lie. it only lasted a second or two..but still. that was the longest finger prick ive ever had.
well anyways, got that done. went and got a smoothie which was really good. first one ive had here. i liked it. then i just hung out in my room for while until it was time for dinner and then bible study at the Frye's house. i love that bible study, the fryes are awesome, and the people there are awesome. at the bible study amber and i decided to go to the paint call for the musical saturday and told andy we would go with him whatever time he signed up for and then go get lunch or something after the paint call. so that will be fun, looking forward to that. i miss doing theater sooooooo much, so it will be nice to get involved in a little part of it here.
after the bible study i went the the invitational delta gamma rho mixer which was lots of fun. the theme was dress-up. i hope i met more people than i felt like i met so i will be invited back to do invitationals. i really like that club and would love to get it. we shall see what God has instore.
im off to bed now (yay i get to sleep till 8!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

tireing tuesday

i didnt have time to post about tuesday on tuesday night, so a quick summary of what i did that day was: class, study, suplimentor instructor seccion, study, eat, and study.
i am not even lying. i studied pretty much all day tuesday for my western civ class. tuesdays are my short days as far as classes go and im out by lunch. so i did lunch, watched boy meets world (ok, not studying, but i had to get my boy meets world in), then went to the library to finish the ch.1 outline i was doing for western civ (we didnt have to do outlines, i just did it to help study and it helps me for reading text books), then i printed off my outline and then all of the lecture guides the test was going to cover. then i went to the suplimenter instructor seccion for western civ from 3-4, and then i went to the library and started working on the chapter 2 of that and finished around 6:30 for dinner (yes, took me that long...long chapters). then guess what i did...studied. i went to my room to study instead of back to library, and me and my roommate had study time all night (she had a test to study for too)and i just went over my outlines and lecture guides over and over all night and memorized all the stuff i needed to. and was up until about 2 in the morning doing it. but let me tell ya, i had that stuff down. probably not as well as crazy history majors or people that like and are really good at history, but i had it down very well. so i went to bed, prayed for remembrance on the test and fell fast asleep.

college is mentally exhasting bllllaaaahhh

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Manic Monday

today wasnt really manic...but it was a monday.
i had a quiz in bible this morning, it wasnt bad, i got 11 out of 12 questions right, so im pretty happy about that. never as good as getting all of them right, but for not studying too much for it, im happy with only 1 wrong.
chapel today was about i decided to apply the lesson to life and "rested" during chapel. i didnt really fall asleep, i was listening to what he was saying. i was just closing my eyes while doing it and not neccessarily intently paying attention to what he was saying. i dont know, for some reason i get so tired in chapel most days.
well then i had tech theater which is always a joyous class. i really enjoy it. we started talking about paint and this one girl in the class just did not understand about the different elements of paint and how they worked together and whatnot. it was pretty funny. but i can see how it could be confussing.
next comes the oh so fabulous (only not so much) lunch. i had sloppy joes which werent too bad. i dont really mind eating caf food (besides the blandness of everything, and how we have almost the same thing every day).
i went with jody and jordan after lunch to check my mail and i received an invitation to delta gamma rho's 4th mixer! yay!! i didnt receive one for pi theta phi, but thats ok because the club ive really liked is delta gamma. pi theta phi is good too, i just havent felt 'connected' as much the past few mixers. so needless to say, i wasnt too upset about not getting an invite for that club. so now i have a dress up mixer on wednesday which im looking forward to. should be fun.
chemistry class today was pretty easy. we just did notes (like usual) but the notes were over stuff that i already knew for the most part. and since you read this mr. hollandsworth, i have a question: are we ever going to get into the stuff that was before ch. 7? like nameing and balancing?? just wondering. thats fun stuff.
after chemistry i took a great nap! i slept a little longer than i wanted; woke up at about 6 instead of the planned 4:30, but its all good. i enjoyed the sleep.
after dinner i went outside and then to the library reading and studying for the western civ test i have wednesday which is going to kill me and im going to do probably horrible on. well, thats what im thinking anyway. im no bueno at history and things have hinted that this class is not going to an easy one and...yeah. blah! tomorrow is my short day of the week so i have western civ study planned pretty much from lunch until i go to going to be studying that stuff all day tomorrow. it better pay off come test time. i guess we shall see

well that was my monday, and not looking forward to tuesdays studying, but oh well...thats school for ya i guess.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Weekend lazyness

OK, so im finally getting around to writing a blog.

Today i did a whole lot of nothing! Me and my roommate woke up at around 12 and then found out that the party we had that day was moved to two instead of one, so we went back to sleep untill 1-1:30. Then we woke up, got ready, and went to a surprise party for Emily Crooks. The party was fun. Emily had no idea, and it was her first ever surprise party, so she was pretty happy. We had alot of snack food (fruit, chips, ice cream cake) and we had a pinata, and watching Emily try to hit it was hillarious, i laughed so hard. Well, we came back to campus a little after 5, and then checked our mail to see if the invitations for club mixers had been mailed out yet...they havent. Grr. Then we came back to our room and soon after i feel asleep until 10; that was really nice. I probably should have read and done work, but sleep was good. I love sleeping.

Tomorrow im going to have to actually do work and not be on that. And tomorrow is open house for our dorm...i guess its good that we dont really have guys coming over to see us, cause that would kinda hinder the whole reading thing.