Saturday, December 02, 2006

one week down, two more to go

so, its been a whole week since thankgiving break. and this week has gone by really fast. surprising. well, not really ive been really busy. this past week and next week are really busy weeks it seems like for me.

i wish i knew what god had instore for me sometimes. there i things that i want to happen soooo badly and they dont. or like in the case im in right now, they might happen, it will just take awhile if it does, and whether or not it does depends on other things i have no control over. i...i dont like having the feeling of wanting something so bad...with all you heart...more than pretty much anything else in the world, and not knowing whether you will be able to have it. but not being able to give up completely because you know that there is still a chance that you might be able to get it. and just praying so hard that god will help you out with this thing and praying so hard that god will bless you with this one thing you want sooo hurts. and it makes living not the happiest thing. and you just wonder, and want to know what god has planned for you and whats going to happen in your life. and you want to know if youll be happy after this period of pain.
please pray for me...

1 comment:

Dr. Burt said...

Hey dude, hope you get whatever it is that you need. Of course, if you were a chemistry major ....