Wednesday, November 29, 2006

thanksgiving yummyness

thanksgiving break was GREAT! i had a lot of fun! on friday tatiana, leah, and i headed off toward good old texas. first we had to stop in greenville (my home town) and give my mom amber's script so she could mail it back to amber. then we headed to rowlette to drop off tatiana...little did we know we wouldnt know where we were supposed to go to drop her off (where we mapped to wasnt were she was getting picked up). soooo, we ended up just stopping at a gas station and having them come to us. it was crazy. and leah drove from greenville the rest of the way that day, and leah is bad with direction, so it was interesting. then from rowlette/rockwall, we drove to godely which is where leah was being dropped off at. my friend kristen met me in godely and i left my car at leah's aunt's house and headed off with kristen to UT in austin!!! to see my best friend from home shelly!!!!!!! and it was great because shelly knew kristen was coming, but kristen amazingly was able to keep the fact that i was coming with her a surprise, so shelly was completely shocked when she saw me running up to her behind kristen. greatness. that night we just drove around and got a view of austin. that was pretty much it. then the next day we went and saw "the way of the world" which shellly was assistant stage manager for. and that was AMAZING! all the actors were so good! and they every second they were in character, and it was so good. after the play we ate and then headed out of austin, over to abiline to kristens college. now before we could go to abiline we had to go back through godely to get my car back...and man, let me tell you, that was an adventure. first of all i ended up talked on the phone with J.R. for at least an hour. which was pretty crazy and random. for one, j.r. went into the marines after high school and called me from the base in pensicola, fl. second j.r. is not the one to just have really long phone conversations, and even if he was, third of all, in high school we werent all that close as friends. i mean, sophmore year we were pretty good friends, and since then we would say hi and give eachother hugs and stuff when we saw eachother between classes...but thats about it...soooo it was pretty crazy and random. but it was a good phone conversation, so im glad it happened. then the next part of our adventure was getting lost trying to find stupid po-dunk godely!! we had to turn around so many times it was not funny anymore. we were tired and lost so we started getting crabby at eachother and talked as little as possible. but we finally made it to godely and got my car and headed on the road to abiline. abiline was a lot of fun!! i got to hang out with kristen, who is another best friend, and i got to meet her friends and (now) boyfriend and all of them were really cool and i liked them. and it was just lots of fun.

monday i headed home. yay home at last!!

i got to see a bunch of my friends over the break, i was very pleased!! i got to see my wonderful fake mexican mary alot alot, and i just love that girl!!! and i hung out with jason alot. had conversations that needed to be had...and everything went well. ate lots of GREAT food on turkey day!! saw a couple movies that week ("deck the halls" and the new james bond). and it was overall an amazing break!!

now im back at school and i cant believe we are only here for 2 1/2 more weeks before our HUGE christmas break. it just amazes me every time i think about it. we just got back, we have class for 2 weeks, then we have a week of finals, and then we are gone for a whole month!! its crazyness i tell you!!! pure crazyness!!

kristen and me throwin up the UT signs

i love these girls! this is shelly and kristen!

mary and i went to see ashlee (middle) after she got her tonsils out!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

new blogger

soooo, i have now officially switched to the new blogger beta thing or whatever it is... go me! lol
hmmm, lets this past weekend me and amber wanted to go play in the leaves and chase squirrels and rent baby ducks and play with them on the front lawn, but amber called the pet place and said they didnt have any baby poultry and wouldnt get any baby ducks in until next week. :-( sad day. ruined our saturday plans. we will have to do it after thanksgiving then i guess. cant wait, fun fun stuff. so instead saturday i slept until 3 in the was quite nice. and then did about nothing after that. well, not true. me and sara grabbed food and then us and jody went to a couple shops and just looked around, came back to drop jody off and me and sara didnt feel like going back in our rooms so we just drove around town and talked and listened to music. it was nice. i wanna go sometime during to day when places are open and you can see everything.
so far this week has been good. but only two days have gone by....hopefully the rest will be good too though. i FINALLY gave my speech today, it wasnt so bad. it takes me so long to write speeches for some reason. im no good at it. so now that that is out of the way and over with the only other thing i think i have this week is a quiz in bible...thats no biggie. so yeah, i think the rest of this week will be good. and hopefully it will go by fast because i am so ready to get off for thanksgiving break!!! im actually not going to be home until monday, but ill be with friends from back home, so all good. friday im leaving here and dropping of tatiana in rowlette, tx and then dropping off leah in godely, where im going to meet my friend kristen from back home and we are going to drive down to UT austin to see shelly who i havent seen in forever! so that will be fun. and me going down there is a complete surprise to her. she knows kristen is coming and planned that, but kristen told me later about it and we later decided for me to come too, so we are going to surprise shelly! yay!! so i will be in austin untill saturday night and then we are going to abiline to kristen's school and im staying there until monday morning. and then im finally going home. im pretty excited! i get to see my two best friends and spend time with them until monday and then i get to be home for a whole week!! w00t w00t!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

oh wow, has it been awhile

soooo....i havent updated in quite some time. my ooops.
hmm. lets see...what has gone on since the matinee musical show?? well, bisondaze and homecoming were that weekend. the musical shows went very well, both were amazing and i think everyone enjoyed it very much. Brooklyn Parker came up for bisondaze which was cool. her parents took nathan, jason, and me out to dinner which was very awesome! free real food!!!
hmmm...lets think. sticking to theater, we have been having Hush rehearsals. those have been going well. i havent really had to be there alot (well, first week i did, this week none at all). but they are going good. kaeli's directing style is somthing ill have to get used to. i dont have to get used to it much because im not in much, but just that style in general. since we are smaller parts and just because she directs this way, she gives us free will to do what we want with the characters and (in my case) figure out voices and actions and then she takes it from there. and sometimes she'll give a direction, but others she just says "do it again, but different." and its not a bad way of directing, its just different than what i am used to from coming out of high school theater. its most definatly teaching me to challenge myself more and put thought into my character on my own. all in all, practice is going well, im excited for the show, and its going to be a great learning and starting off experience.
other than that, classes are going pretty much like usual. in tech theater today we started "in the shop" work and got our first of many projects. its a sewing project and we get to make a pillow. fun stuff. its sad that our tech class time has come to an end. i think that was probably my favorite class, i am going to miss it. but being able to do stuff in the shop and actually do hands on projects will be fun as well.

to completely change subjects...
yesturday was a no good day emotionally wise. i was just in one of those depressed moods for some reason and by the end of the night i was crying and just couldnt help it. but thankfully god blessed me with Amber, who i am becoming good friends with. i decided to go to her room because i just needed someone to talk to and she just let me talk about different things that were wrong and then we just started talking about stuff (boys mostly) and just getting my mind off being in a bad mood and it was really nice. it was kinda pointless conversations, but it made me feel better, so it works. and i truely am blessed for her because shes not one to stay up late, and we talked until 2 am. and she was working on a scene for acting class and she couldve been studying that more but she stayed and talked with me and i love her for that. its odd that we talked about boys though since that was one of the things i was upset about. but hey, it worked. i think im just ready to go home for thanksgiving and be able to have a week break from school and go back where i know everybody and i will beable to see my friends and see people that i have a past with and people that ive known for more than just the past two months. that will be very good. the whole homesickness i think was just kicking in that day. and not neccissarily homesick from parents but just missing real best friends and missing acting like myself and not feeling im missing out. not that im not being myself here, just that sometimes it seems like im not fully me, or that maybe me has changed and i dont like the change. i dont know. i think im just a crazy teenager is what i really think.

until next time xoxo <3

this is me on halloween. i am chishire cat!! (in the dorm i had on purple shorts which went better)

this is me and amber on halloween lost in the parking lot